Irregular Periods
Explore Irregular Periodsrelated questions
Will underweight cause irregular period?
2 years
Hi, I’m an 18 year old girl facing irregular periods and constant spotting from the start of February until today. Fortunately my periods don’t affect my daily life, I don’t feel tired easily, j…
- Anonymous
Spotting after period is not stopping
3 years
I am a 19 year old girl, my period started from February 3 to February 7, then period spotting started from February 8 until today but it has not stopped. The spotting is in small amount and col…
- Anonymous
Three Days Delayed Period
3 years
We had protected sex 4 days before her expected period. I even pulled out and came outside with the condom on. As of right now, it’s 3 days delayed. Is there any chance of pregnancy?
- Anonymous
Menstrual irregularities in girls
3 years
Menstruation is not coordinated, it will be very painful when it comes to menstruation, and usually take painkillers when it is painful.
- Anonymous
Irregular period every month
3 years
I’m 15 years old and ive been getting irregular periods from this early year , 3-4 weeks each months , with cramps , terrible headaches and nausea. I want to know if this is just because of the …
- Anonymous
Irregular periods and PCOS
3 years
Hi. I’m a PCOS patient. I’m not getting my period for few months ready. Can I take Sunolut Pills to get my period?
- anitharajan0213
Period came late until day 40
3 years
im single woman and 29 y/o, since last few month my period came late. sometimes until day 40. is this normal?
- Anonymous
Anak 11 tahun dtg haid hanya 1 kali
3 years
Anak saya datang haid untuk pertama Kali Bulan 3 Dan SMP sekarang Bulan 6 Masih tidak datang jadi lagi…apa Perlu saya buat
- Anonymous
Late period but tested negative for pregnancy test
3 years
I am in my early 20s. I am late for a week on my period. Usually I would get it every 5th of the month but it slowly getting later and later by few days. This month, I was trying out a low calor…
- Anonymous
Belly button bleeding due to irregular menstrual
3 years
I am 40years old and i have been having series of bleeding of my belly button. I suspected it is due to my irregular period which i had since April 2021. It camw every 2 weeks.
- ezura69
Menstrual problems to ask
3 years
Hello doctor, I have menstrual problems to ask. My menstruation is not on time, and there are no symptoms before menstruation. But in the past few years, there will be no pain during menstruati…
- Anonymous
Supplement intake affect my period
3 years
I’m single woman in my late 20s. I take fish oil + primrose oil Blackmore’s supplement for the first time before. But my period came late for 2 weeks so I decided to stop. Still, my period came …
- Anonymous
My period have been showing abnormal casualties these past few months
3 years
Hi, I am a 23 year old. I have been having problems with my period these past few months. One time, the duration exceed to 9 days when usually my period only took about 6-7 days. Another time, i…
- Anonymous
My menstrual cycle disturbed cause I experienced it on irregular time so kindly tell me what’s my problem
3 years
I am a girl of age 22.i experiencing my menstrual cycle one time per each month.but this month when my period stopped so suddenly after 10 days again bleeding starts from my vagina means uterus.…
- Anonymous
Abnormal Menstrual Cycle
3 years
Hi, I’m a 17 years old girl. Last week, I saw a few blood when I was in the toilet. So, I thought that I was on my period but for the next few days, nothing came out and I continued to perform m…
- Anonymous
Irregular Period For 1 Month and Spotting for the next month
3 years
Last month , saya ada tersalah angkat barang yang menyebabkan saya x dpt bangun selama 2 days and my period suddenly come 9 days . After 5 days , my period datang lagi sekali for another 9 days …
- Anonymous
Taking Birth Control
3 years
Hello. I’m a 23 year old woman and I’d like to know if birth control can help in regulating my menstrual cycle.
- Anonymous
Second period in a month
3 years
Hi I recently got my period twice. The first one was heavy but lasted 2-3days and i took a home pregnancy test came back negative the following month I had one and the cramps where bad but light…
- Anonymous
Irregular period cycle, heavy & painful period cramps
3 years
i’m nineteen years old, and ive always experienced irregular period cycles. i started my period quite late in life than average (i would say), just 2 and a half years ago. i thought, the first…
- Anonymous
Irregular periods cycles and large clumpy blood clots during the cycle
3 years
I am a 21 year old woman. For the last 1 year plus I have been having irregular period cycles. Sometimes, I even miss my period for 3 months. And during my period cycle, the blood is always clum…
- Anonymous
Period problem for a long time
3 years
Hello, I’m a woman & 24 years old. Since I started having period at the age of 14, I been having an irregular period. Most of the time I have it once in a 2 months but since last year My period …
- Anonymous
Unstable period. Is it hormon?
3 years
I am 19 years old. I’m having unstable period. Last time my period coming is on August 2020. Is that normal? Whenever I go see a doctor, the doctor said it was hormon. But, I’m still this issue …
- Anonymous
Bleeding but not like period amount
3 years
Hi, I have been taking YAZ birth control pills since 12th Nov 2020 till date. This week I missed taking the pill for 2 days in a row (17 & 18th April 2021) and suddenly today around 5ish when I…
- Anonymous
Late period and hypothyroism
3 years
I am a 22 year old girl and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Syndrome approximately 2 years ago. I am already on medication using Euthyrox 75 mg once a day but my problem has to do with the fact …
- Anonymous
Late period and suffering from hypothyroism
3 years
I am a 22 year old girl and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Syndrome approximately 2 years ago. I am already on medication using Euthyrox 75 mg once a day but my problem has to do with the fact that I…
- annamethoxh
Menstruation Period - volume
4 years
Hi, I am a 38 years old women married with 2 kids. My menstruation cycle should be considered normal as is about 30 days and the total period is for about 7 days. However, the volume is very le…
- Anonymous
Way to calculate period cycle
4 years
Hi…i nak Tanya cycle period i tak pernah sama…is there any problem for me to get pregnant… My period dates,21/8/20 27/9/20, 30/10/20, 10/12/20, 16/1/21, 17/2/21 I nak tahu juga cara kira …
- Anonymous
Cara kira period cycle
4 years
Hi,i nak tanya period cycle i sebab ia take regular so calculate ovulation date ITU i rasa susah 21/8/20,27/9/20,30/10/20,10/12/20,16/1/21 and 17/2/21 ia adalah period date i
- Anonymous
Didn’t get my period on the first pack of birth control
4 years
hi doc, i should’ve gotten my period on 28th every month but last month i didn’t get my period and i started my first pack of birth control. unfortunately, the period didn’t came even after the …
- Anonymous
Recurring period after 2 weeks
4 years
I am a woman in my 20’s and i am having my period again 2 weeks after my previous period with quite a heavy flow. Is it normal?
- Anonymous